Tuesday 2 October 2012

Gandhi Ashram

Gandhi Ashram or as it is more popularly known as Sabarmati Ashram is situated near the Sabarmati river in Ahmedabad. This place is declared a monument of National importance because, Gandhiji started his Dandi March here, which in turn holds a very important place in the Indian Independence Movement.
When I went there, the first thing that touched me was the calmness of that place. Ashram comprises of some simply constructed Kutirs ….on open ground and it is all surrounded by many tall trees which gives a very cool feel and helps in providing shade from the otherwise hot Gujrat’s sun blaze.
The prime building is Hridaykunj where Gandhiji used to stay with his wife. There you can find the charkha which he himself used and some other belongings are also in display like his spoon, plate etc.
 In the veranda, I was lucky enough to find an aged man working on his charkha…thus I stood there for a while observing him. He seemed like a man of bygone era…he kept doing his task without even raising his eyelids even for once. Then when I was walking, I heard someone singing at the top of his voice, “Vaishnav Janatooo”….he was like singing for the divine …he was walking through the greens and singing on his own… “khulle mannn se ..khulle aawaj se …khulle aasman ke ooor dekh ke .. gaye jaa rahen theee”.
Then we went for the photo gallery. It was an amazing experience…all wall sized big oil paintings …so nicely portrayed as if Gandhiji is just sitting right in front. It was quite enriching, reading letters and other important quotations on display. Complicated matters of life so simply explained.
Then there was a library, though I did not enter, but really felt great to see some foreigners going through the books and off and on they were asking questions which proves their curiosity towards Gandhiji and our nation.
There was this souvenir shop too from where one can buy photo, key chains, books etc.
After we came out of that place, tired of walking, we saw some kids playing in the green grass while some families were sitting near the Sabarmati river enjoying the cool breeze and the quite view …so did we.
All in all, it was a very good experience and anybody coming to Ahmedabad, Gandhi Ashram is worth a visit.

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